What’s happening in the states and territories?
26 July 2016
Carers WA
Carers WA was funded by the Department of Social Services to develop a Carer Peer Volunteer service delivery model and training package, and has produced two documents, Guidelines for Planning and Operating a Carer Peer Volunteer Program and Carer Peer Volunteer Training Workbook.
These resources are aimed at service providers to assist with the implementation of this evidence-based model. The model links volunteers who have lived experience of being a carer (they may be existing or former carers) with carers who would benefit from peer support.
The service delivery model and the training workbook recognises the value of a carer’s lived experience, and the skills and knowledge gained as a result of their caring role. The project combines peer support, volunteering, mentoring, wellbeing and goal setting. All these aspects support the value of peer-led programs, which improve the wellbeing of both the Carer Peer Volunteer and the carer they are matched with.
The Guidelines for Planning and Operating a Carer Peer Volunteer Program and Carer Peer Volunteer Training Workbook can be downloaded from the Carers WA website.
Carers VIC
Carers Victoria has successfully completed its Information Roadshow on the NDIS rollout and aged care reforms, with a final presentation in Mildura. The Information Roadshow sessions visited Carers Victoria in Shepparton, Ballarat, Horsham and Benalla, and were attended by over 300 carers. At these sessions information was provided for carers on the NDIS, Aged Care Reforms and Consumer Directed Care. Staff from the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) were also invited to make presentations and answer carers’ questions.
Carers SA
Carers SA has announced a new campaign, Anyone, anytime can be a carer. The campaign aims to reach out to those in the community who find themselves in a caring role but do not realise that support is available to them, particularly working-age women. It will include social media advertising, postcards, radio announcements and an online video. You can help spread the message and encourage ’hidden’ carers to connect with us. More information is available through the Carers SA website.
Carers SA is also extending its services for carers of people over 65 to the Southern Fleurieu and Kangaroo Island. A new office is open in Victor Harbor and another will open soon on Kangaroo Island.
Carers QLD
Carers Queensland’s Carer-Friendly Business Awards is now in its 13th year and continues to go from strength to strength; an encouraging indication of how an increasing number of Queensland businesses are recognising the value and importance of supporting the state’s carers.
If you know a business, employee or employer that goes above and beyond to assist carers, you can nominate them via this link.
Entries close Monday 18 August 2016.
Carers Queensland is also running a photo competition for local carers –Through the lens of a carer – providing carers with a chance to get creative and capture something about their caring role they want to share. It may be a photo of the carer and the person they care for, something symbolic, or a photo that represents how carers feel about the caring role.