Not all people with disability will meet the access requirements to the NDIS. It is important to know what mainstream and community supports are available to assist you and your loved one in their disability needs.
Mainstream supports are usually services outside of the NDIS that cover a certain need for assistance or service. An example of a mainstream service is Medicare where certain health care costs are covered by the government to prevent high out of pocket expenses.
A community-based service is one that is provided to the community. Some have a cost; others can be free. An example of a community-based services would be a playgroup, sporting club or art class.
State and Commonwealth Based Supports
Click for links to services such as COVID-19 support for people with disability, advocacy services, housing, and tenancy and much more:
This link provides information on services and initiatives for people with disability in NSW including information for carers on disability equipment, mental health and other disability needs:
The office of disability in the Northern Territory can assist with disability related needs if you are not eligible for the NDIS. This link will take you to a page that can connect you to a variety of information and services including advocacy, awards programs and other disability relating services:
The Queensland Government has a range of services available if you are not eligible for the NDIS. This link will assist you to find information on supports and equipment and information about legal rights of people with disability:
In Tasmania, Disability and Community Services focuses on the delivery of specialist disability services, and family and community services, throughout the state:
Services and supports for families and carers can be found on the Western Australian Government Dept of Communities – Disability Services. You will find a range of mainstream supports to support your loved on with a disability:
Services in South Australia outside of the NDIS are limited, however some mainstream services can be found in this link:
There are no mainstream supports listed on the the Victorian Government website, but this may be a useful resource:
Disability Employment Services – This service helps people with disability find and maintain work:
Department of Social Services – A variety of programs and services is available through this Department for people with disability:
Services Australia (Payment and Service Finder) – Find information about payments and services:
Job Access – Job Access can assist your employer to make reasonable adjustment in the workplace for people with disability:
Community Disability Services and Carers
National Disability Services (NDS) is Australia’s peak body for non-government disability service organisations, representing over 1100 non-government service providers. Collectively, NDS members operate several thousand services for Australians with all types of disability.
Carers Australia – National Carer Network:
The teams at our state and territory members can assist you to connect to the services you need to continue caring for your loved one.
Carers Australia advocates and lobbies on a wide range of issues that affect carers, to influence national policies and services.
We also work collaboratively with other organisations, including our network of state & territory carer organisations, to develop policies, programs, services, and events to improve the lives of Australia’s carers – supporting them, and upholding their rights. You may feel you need assistance to advocate for your loved one. Most advocacy services are free and can help you on an individual or community level.
The Department of Social Services provides a disability advocacy finder on its website. Typing in your postcode will bring up your local area’s advocacy organisations –
The Australian Federation of Disability Organisations has some great resources on advocacy and inclusion –
Frequently Asked Questions
There are a range of supports available to carers including respite support, counselling, education and training, peer support and advocacy. For information call Carer Gateway on 1800 422 737.
If you are a young carer aged between 12-25 the Young Carers Network can help you find support in caring whilst continuing your education.
Carers can also access support through other agencies, including:
- Department of Social Services (DSS) –
- Department of Human Services (Centrelink) –
Carers Australia has several resources available that may offer information on your caring role.