Young carers are people up to 25 years old who provide unpaid care and support to family members or friends who have a disability, mental illness, chronic condition, mental illness, an alcohol or other drug issue or who are frail aged.
There are more than 391,300 young carers in Australia. The person they care for may be a parent, partner, sibling, their own child, other relative or friend.
Many young carers emphasise that caring is a positive experience. However, research clearly indicates that, when inadequately supported, young carer’s health, mental health and wellbeing can be seriously affected.
There are programs available to support young carers including respite services, referrals and information, and counselling. These services can be accessed by contacting Carer Gateway.
Carers Australia administers the Young Carer Bursary Program on behalf of the Commonwealth Government to support young carers with education or vocational training.
Young Carers Network
To find out more about young carers, visit the Young Carers Network – access information about support services, resources and share young carer stories and opinions.