Home | Submissions & Reports | Submissions Submissions Search Sort by Newest to Oldest Oldest to Newest Filter to All Submission Submission Response to Australian Government Senate Standing Committee on Community Affairs: Inquiry into Assessment and Support Services for People with ADHD9 June 2023 – 243.67 KBCarers Australia welcomes the opportunity to respond to the Australian Government Senate Standing Committee on Community Affairs Inquiry into the Barriers to consistent, timely and best practice assessment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and support services for people with ADHD. Our primary focus for this response is to ensure accessible and inclusive access to ADHD assessment, diagnosis and support services for both people with ADHD and their carers. Download Submission Response to the Senate Select Committee Inquiry: Provision of and Access to Dental Services in Australia5 June 2023 – 336.49 KBAdequate dental care, both for carers and those they care for, is high on the list of unaffordable and difficult to access services, even when knowing that poor oral health and dentition can have profound consequences on an individual’s health. We urge the Committee to recognise carers and their specific issues and needs, including the role they play in supporting oral hygiene and dental health for the people they care for. Download Submission Response to the Australian Government Senate Select Committee on Cost of Living Inquiry12 May 2023 – 997.17 KBCarers Australia welcomes the opportunity to respond to the Senate Select Committee on the Cost of Living (the Committee). While the effects of this crisis are felt throughout the nation, we wish to draw the Committee’s attention to the specific cost of living pressures faced by Australia’s carers1, who account for more than 12.5% of the population.2 We request that this submission is considered as an addition to other research and submissions discussing the experience of the wider population and other vulnerable or at-risk groups – carers may also be experiencing these issues when you consider the diversity of carers, caring relationships and the people receiving care. Download Submission Response to Australian Government Early Years Strategy Discussion Paper28 April 2023 – 311.48 KBCarers Australia welcomes the opportunity to provide input into the Discussion Paper for the Australian Government Early Years Strategy (the Strategy). Carers Australia mirrors the view of Minister Rishworth published within the Discussion Paper, that “Every child deserves the opportunity for the best start to life; a chance to achieve their goals and dreams.” This strategy is of great importance not only to children and families around Australia, but also to the proportion of Australia’s 2.65 million carers1 that provide care to children under 5 who are experiencing disability, developmental delay or showing signs of developmental delay. Download Submission Carers Australia response to the National Strategy to Achieve Gender Equality19 April 2023 – 147.57 KBCarers Australia welcomes the opportunity to contribute to consultations regarding the National Strategy to Achieve Gender Equality (the Strategy). Our organisation represents the 2.65 million people who provide unpaid care and support to family members and friends who have a disability, mental ill health, chronic condition, terminal illness, an alcohol or other drug issue or who are frail aged. Download Submission Carers Australia response to the Productivity Commission Carer Leave Inquiry Position Paper: ‘A case for an extended unpaid carer leave entitlement?’28 March 2023 – 1.21 MBCarers Australia welcomes this opportunity to respond to the Productivity Commission’s Position Paper ‘A case for an extended unpaid carer leave entitlement?’ (Position Paper) 1. However, before we can address the draft findings, draft recommendations and information requests, we must raise a number of fundamental concerns. Download Submission Carers Australia response to the Australian Government Senate Select Committee on Education and Employment ‘Inquiry into The National Trend of School Refusal and Related Matters’22 March 2023 – 222.13 KBCarers Australia welcomes the opportunity to provide input into the Australian Government Senate Select Committee (the Committee) on Education and Employment Inquiry into The National Trend of School Refusal and Related Matters. We appreciate the Committee’s decision to re-open submissions to the inquiry as the extended timeframe for consultation has increased the accessibility of engagement. Download Submission Carers Australia response to the Disability Employment Services Quality Framework Discussion Paper13 March 2023 – 197.54 KBCarers Australia welcomes the opportunity to respond to the Australian Government Department of Social Services (DSS) consultation on the Disability Employment Services Quality Framework Discussion Paper1 (Discussion Paper). It is of great importance to carers2 of working age family members or friends with disability, chronic illness and/or a mental illness or disorders that those they care for can find sustainable and meaningful employment. Download Submission Response to the Australian Government Department of Employment and Workplace Relations – Jobs and Skills Australia Discussion Paper10 February 2023 – 285.52 KBCarers Australia welcomes the opportunity to provide input to the Australian Government Department of Employment and Workplace Relations Jobs and Skills Australia Discussion Paper1 (Discussion Paper), as an opportunity to provide views to inform the establishment of Jobs and Skills Australia. Download Submission Response to the Select Senate Community Affairs Inquiry into the Extent and Nature of Poverty in Australia3 February 2023 – 456.8 KBAn evaluation on the “Value of informal care” undertaken by Deloitte Access Economics estimated that a total of nearly 2.2 billion hours of care were provided in 2020 and that the total cost to replace all informal care in that year would be $77 billion. Download Submission Carers Australia response to the National Dementia Action Plan Consultation Paper2 February 2023 – 195.32 KBWe have appreciated involvement in the Plan’s development as members of the Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing’s Dementia Expert Advisory Group, as well as the facilitating consultations that involve people with lived experience of dementia and their carers. Download Submission Response to The Australian Government Treasury: Employment White Paper Terms of Reference1 December 2022 – 418.26 KB Download Page 3 of 11:1...234...11