Value of Informal Care Report – 2020

31 July 2020 – 651.25 KB

In this report, Deloitte Access Economics estimates the total value of informal care provided in Australia today and examines the implications of demographic trends and projections for informal care in the future.
Implementation of DisabilityCare Australia in rural and remote areas – roundtable report

24 June 2020

A report on a roundtable held to investigate some of the practical strategies that will make the NDIS work well in rural and remote areas.
Reducing Sleep Disruption in Carers

31 July 2019 – 1.39 MB

A report into the sleep disruption suffered by carers, based on research conducted by the Sleep Foundation and CQUniversity Australia.
Improving access to aged residential respite care

23 October 2018 – 539.24 KB

We welcome the opportunity to draw attention to a problem that seriously impacts on many carers' health and wellbeing.
Review of NDIS respite care decisions by the Administrative Appeals Tribunal – a resource for carers

16 October 2018 – 779.51 KB

This resource has been prepared to help carers and participants who have not been able to access (enough) respite care support or equivalent service (for example, in home and out of home care) in their plans, and would like to have those decisions reviewed.
Improving access to aged residential respite care

15 February 2018 – 539.24 KB

This paper presents research that indicates it is becoming increasingly difficult to access aged residential respite care discusses the barriers to increasing supply, and suggests some policy solutions to make respite care more readily available to carers of older family members and friends.
2016-17 Federal Budget – What it means for carers

6 May 2016 – 478.95 KB

Carers Australia has produced an overview of the key 2016-17 Federal Budget measures which may impact carers.
The economic value of informal care in Australia in 2015

15 June 2015 – 514.55 KB

In this report, Deloitte Access Economics estimates the total value of informal care being provided in Australia today and examines the implications of demographic trends and projections for informal care in the future.
Summary of the Final Report into the Review of Australia’s Welfare System

3 March 2015 – 503.52 KB

This document provides a brief summary of the Final Report particularly as it relates to unpaid family and friend carers of people with disability, mental illness, chronic conditions and those who are frail aged.