New report reveals carers provide $60.3 billion of unpaid care annually
19 August 2015
A new report launched by Carers Australia at Parliament House today has revealed how the replacement value of the care provide by Australia’s unpaid carers has increased to $60.3 billion per year – over $1 billion every week.
The Deloitte Access Economics Report, ‘The Economic Value of Informal Care in Australia 2015’, details how the demand for carers is at an all-time high and only set to increase into the future. The report warns of an ever-widening gap between demand and supply and predicts that by 2025 only 42 per cent of those with a severe disability aged over 65 and not living in residential care will have access to an unpaid carer.
Carers Australia CEO, Ara Cresswell, said “This Report allows Carers Australia to quantify the true value of carers to the community while highlighting areas that require focused attention.”
The Report also proposes a number of policy options which could reduce the burden on carers and improve the supports and services available.