The Australian Government has announced the Disaster Recovery Allowance for people who have lost income due to the South-East QLD Floods (information here) or the Northern NSW floods (information here). 

 Services Australia also has information on ongoing support if you’re affected by a natural disaster here including social workers, Community Engagement Officers and Multicultural Service Officers to help access payments and services if you find it hard to access them. 

 Carers requiring practical and emotional support including emergency respite are encouraged to phone Carer Gateway on 1800 422 737 or request a call back at 

 Information is also available for specific groups or issues: 

  • Supporting NDIS participants through severe weather in Queensland and NSW here. 
  • Emergency leave from Residential Aged Care that is available for COVID-19 has been extended to the current flood emergency, more information here. Permanent aged care residents who would like to temporarily relocate to stay with family during the floods (and in the clean-up period afterwards) can take emergency leave, rather than using and potentially exhausting their social leave entitlements. 
  • Health issues related to severe weather in Queensland here. 
  • The Carer Gateway Emergency Care Plan here.  
  • To assist families affected regarding child care arrangements here, including additional child care subsidy (financial hardship) 
  • Queensland Government support here, including emergency relief, financial assistance and counselling services 
  • NSW Government support here. 

 Carers Australia advocates for effective and carer-inclusive disaster planning that ensures accessible and consistent information, addresses structural discrimination and caters for the unique needs of carers, including appropriate accommodation, access to mental health support, appropriate nutrition, medication and continence supplies. 

 Floods can affect everyone in the community, not only people directly dealing with loss of property or possessions. If you need mental health support, there are services ready to help you through the difficult times 24/7: 

  • Mental Health Line 1800 011 511 
  • Beyond Blue 1300 22 4636 
  • Lifeline 13 11 14 
  • MensLine 1300 78 99 78 
  • Lifeline Text 0477 13 11 14 
  • Kids Helpline 1800 551 800 (children under 12 years)