Consultation on draft Aged Care Visitor Access Code
1 May 2020
A Visitor Access Code to ensure a nationally consistent visitation policy to residential aged care homes during the COVID-19 crisis has today been released by aged care peaks and consumer advocacy organisations for consultation with the public. The Code aims to apply a compassionate and consistent visitor policy that continues to minimise the risk of COVID-19 while providing innovative on-site visiting solutions to maintain the mental health of residents.
The draft Code has been endorsed to be released for public consultation by consumer advocacy organisations Carers Australia, Council on the Ageing Australia, Dementia Australia, National Seniors Australia and the Older Persons Advocacy Network and aged care provider peak bodies Aged & Community Services Australia, Aged Care Guild, Anglicare Australia, Baptist Care Australia, Catholic Health Australia, Leading Age Services Australia, and UnitingCare Australia.
Consultations will take place next week with aged care residents, families, families of choice, friends, along with aged care providers and staff, closing at 3pm on Thursday 7 May. It is envisaged the code will be finalised by Monday 11 May 2020.
The draft code is available on the COTA website or the Aged & Community Services Australia website
For consumers and carers wishing to comment on the draft code, please email [email protected].
For aged care providers and other industry stakeholders, please email [email protected]
Read the Consultation on draft Aged Care Visitor Access Code