Carers Australia sad to learn that Bruce Bonyhady will be replaced as the Chairman of the National Disability Insurance Agency
20 October 2016
“Carers Australia regrets the impending departure of Dr Bruce Bonyhady as Chairman of the NDIA,” said Ara Cresswell, CEO of Carers Australia.
“As one of the chief instigators and founders of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), Bruce’s personal commitment to people with disability and their carers and his ceaseless endeavours on their behalf has been outstanding.
“Carers Australia has been particularly appreciative of Bruce’s understanding of and support for carers of NDIA participants, which has been informed by his own experience of caring for two sons with cerebral palsy.
“While we have had some issues with the transfer of funding for carer supports and services to the NDIA and have had to campaign rigorously for proper recognition of carers within the Scheme, we have always had a friend and supporter in Bruce.
“We will miss him.”