A carer reads through NDIS information at a table with an open laptop

Carers Australia is supporting carers with the transition to the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) as it affects the lives of carers as much as it does the people for whom they care. Many carers perform an important role in helping the person they care for transition to the NDIS.

The NDIS only funds supports for people with disability, however, the wellbeing of the family is also taken into consideration. Carers can provide a ‘Carer Statement’ to support the person they care for and to demonstrate the impact their caring role has on the family. During the planning meeting, supports can then be assessed to help maintain and build independence and social participation for people with a disability.

Carers Australia has a number of resources for carers to support transitioning to the NDIS. We also manage a valuable initiative called Peer Conversations, which links carers and parents of a person eligible for and considering registering with the NDIS with other carers and parents who have successfully been through the process and have a plan in place. These selected carers are registered with Carers Australia as Peer Conversation Partners.

The Peer Conversation Partners can talk about their NDIS experiences, sharing hints and tips with other carers who are getting ready for the planning phase. These Peer Conversations can be offered one-to-one over the phone, in group sessions, or via a Skype chat meeting for carers who are hearing impaired.